Sunday, August 21, 2011


I'm going through a process right now.

PROCESS: a systematic series of actions directed towards some end; a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner.

My continuous series of actions? Painting...directed towards finishing each room of this house! The changes that happen each week are making definite marks. 

Keith asked me the other day if I miss our other home. I said, "I miss our home, but not the house." This house renovation business is a PROCESS. Each action and task pushes us forward towards making the house into a home. I came across our framed family pictures the other day while working on the dining room. It reminded me how those photos help a house feel more comfortable and cozy. Yesterday I hung a few of them. It feels better that way.

This weekend the dining room was our project. Note the series of actions we took below. What a PROCESS this one was!

This is how it looked the first time
we walked through the house.
(looking towards the living room and entry hall)

And another view...(looking towards the kitchen)

During the demo phase...we opened the wall between the kitchen and dining room. Note the dust in the air from taking out all the plaster and lathing.

Now you can see right through the wall into the kitchen.

The floors were covered with tar paper backing from layers of linoleum. 12 grit sandpaper and lots of muscle took it off, revealing old pine flooring...with evidence that there was a lovely inlay around the edges at one time.

And now...(looking towards the kitchen)

Another view...(looking towards the living room and entry hall) We moved the chandelier from the living room into the dining room. I'll talk more about that in a future blog.

Those double doors into the entry hall are still in process. They'll be painted white eventually.

So, as always, with an outward process comes an inward process... 

This morning in church our sermon was about transformation. This is the work of God. Transforming us. The house is teaching me about the PROCESS of transformation in our spiritual walk. Each action and spiritual discipline carries us towards the be like Christ. I heard it said that it is not the destination that matters, but the journey. I am trusting God to carry me on this journey of life. And along the way, He is transforming me to be more like Him. I must embrace this PROCESS.

How about you? What about your journey? Are you aware of the PROCESS? I'm glad we are in this together.

"And we...are being transformed into his likeness 
with ever-increasing glory, 
which comes from the Lord..." 
2 Corinthians 3:18

Father, today I choose to embrace the PROCESS. Change me to be more like you. I trust you to handle each circumstance and use it to transform me on the inside. It is for your glory that I live and breathe. Amen.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Don't let the title mislead, we're not finished! But we use that word alot these days...

"All we need to do is put these knobs on and that part will be FINISHED."

"If I would have a week off work, I could FINISH unpacking that pile of boxes."

"I'll be FINISHED painting this room by 7:00."

"Let's FINSH this room before moving on to the next one."

"Before I put these things away, you have to FINISH putting shelves in the closets."

No, we are NOT finished. However, there are a couple areas that are ALMOST finished. It is in these places that I like to be quiet.

Let me show you the first room, a small un-used bedroom in the middle of the second floor, which is basically finished. I think it is one of my favorite spots in the house. It will likely be used for a guest room...

This is what it looked like when we first bought the house.
At one time it served as a kitchen to the apartment located on the second floor.
(the house was broken into 4 apartments in the 40's or 50's)

After demolition, drywall was hung. It added more insulation to the bay window.

Then we tackled the floors. There was a terrible layer of linoleum on the floor. Our floor refinishers uncovered a lovely yellow pine floor.

And now....
Imagine spending time in this finished space.

I've learned more about myself in the last week. I have a desperate need for order and tidiness. And if I am faced with things that are not that, a stamina rises up from within which compels me to put things right, to clean, to organize. Outward orderliness brings me a sense of inner peace. But currently I am being stretched and challenged to make adjustments. While my preference would be to adjust my environment, right now I must adjust my mindset. This is what I've been reflecting about lately.

How do I live? How much do I protect myself from the chaos of life by retreating into my own organized comfortable world? Might God want to teach/train me to exist in a lost chaotic world and yet have an inner peace in spite of what I see on the outside?

My morning walks are no longer in fresh country morning air. The path I walk is not quiet and peaceful. Instead, I walk on uneven sidewalks, dodging people going to the bus-stop, noisy town busses and Do Not Walk street signs. I no longer enjoy the sight of early morning mist floating over the meadows. Instead I see persons sitting alone after what appears like they've spent the night on the street or at the nearby mission.

So with a new house comes a new mission. Currently, I'm trying to figure out what that is. And in the meantime, I'm trying to FINISH...not just the house, but I also want to FINISH well in God's school of life. I want to pay attention to the areas that need adjustment.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Needless to say, the move into this house has brought many changes. 
our Landisville home is ready to move...

I've never been one to resist change. I often invite change, however this move into a new living space has thrown me a bit off balance. I've been pondering unexpected feelings of being overwhelmed, discouragement and a general lack of initiative. 

On my way to work yesterday I was talking to the Lord about all this. He immediately brought the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel to mind. If you've read my other posts and the page on this blog containing a diary of "our work", you know that this journey has been marked by the hand of God. Last weekend was a kind of altar, a celebration of the miracles He has done for us as we were granted occupancy. My heart was bursting with praise and gratitude.

However, in such a short time, I began to feel discouraged and perhaps even sad. Don't misunderstand...I am happy in this new home, thankful and confident we are in the right place. But this swing of emotions has been puzzling. So I remembered Elijah. God demonstrated His power to all the prophets of Baal by consuming the Elijah's sacrifice and the altar itself with fire from heaven. In the showdown between the pagan gods and the One True God, victory was won by Elijah's God. Elijah acted in obedience and faith. God proved himself  faithful and powerful.

But in spite of this great victory and display of God's power, Elijah became afraid, weary and goes into hiding in a cave. This has always been puzzling to me. Why, after such a miraculous victory, would this man be afraid and hide?..... And why, after so much faith and hope; after seeing God provide time and time again, would I feel so empty and unmotivated?

As I shared this with a friend, she encouraged me. The story of Elijah angel sent from the Lord told Elijah to "get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you." So this I will do. It is time to "feed" myself now. It is time to strengthen myself with God's presence. I will listen for His gentle whisper so that I can continue to walk in obedience.

CHANGES...take a look at the changes we are living with.

We are still living out of boxes; closets don't have shelves yet, paint is not on the walls, some floors need to be finished yet...but all is well.

Be encouraged by reading the whole story of Elijah in 1 Kings 18 and 19.

Monday, August 1, 2011


That's right...OCCUPANCY!

More pictures and details soon...but you can read more about the past week on the other page of this blog entitled "DOING - Our Work"