Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Work on the house has slowed down lately. In Ecclesiastes 3 it says, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven..." After working on the house in a regular rhythm, it is time to take a break. Time off is important in caring for the house.
More ideas and inspiration can be had by propping up the feet and relaxing.

Each week I grab my calendar and look at the list of tasks needing to be done throughout the house. The punch list is long and feels almost endless. I try to break down the jobs into bite size pieces and then I schedule it out on my calendar and sticky notes. 

To guard from exhaustion and discouragement, I set MARGINS. A MARGIN is a border or edge that keeps us from straying too far from the center. MARGINS keep us in line and focused.

From the beginning, we purposed to work only on Wednesday evenings, on Fridays after other housework was done, and all day Saturday. And we would only work until 9:00 in the evening. These MARGINS kept us centered and sane. And we have sustained this type of schedule until now.

In light of the upcoming holiday season, it is time to move those MARGINS closer. The month of December is a good time to embrace the real meaning of Christmas; to focus on family time, traditions of the season and the birth of Jesus our Lord. Caring for the House takes on a different meaning during this time.
It's getting colder and the days are shorter but
our light is always on at the front door to welcome you.
My body (emotional, spiritual, physical) is the "house" of God. If I don't set MARGINS, I can so easily stray from the center and become unbalanced. So in this next season I decided to set new MARGINS. Caring for this house means that my calendar is more open for spending time with family and friends. There will be more time for rest and reflection. Instead of working on renovation projects, I will enjoy the spaces as they are. Instead of painting and repairing, I will simply dust and vacuum.

"I know that there is nothing better for man than to be happy and do good while they live. That every man may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all his toil - this is the gift of God. There is nothing better for a man than to enjoy his work..."  

Ecclesiastes 3:12-13, 22
During this season, choose to set MARGINS. 
God wants us to be happy and do good. 
He created us to enjoy our work. 
Are your MARGINS set in places that keep you centered? 
Are you able to find time to be happy and do good? 
Do you enjoy your work? 
Ask the Father to show you where to place your MARGINS.

May you find joy and be blessed in the coming weeks!