At the start of this whole project I knew we needed to set boundaries. So we purposed to only work one night of the week (Wednesday)'s about all we could give combined with other obligations to work, church and family. Then on the weekends we could work on the house only if/when our other work at home was finished. We held quite strictly to this and it guarded us from stress and worry. In spite of giving only marginal time, our contractor has been saying he's amazed at how much has been accomplished. When we worked, we worked hard. But when it was time to quit, we were able to leave the tasks behind in order to concentrate on other things.

And while we are gone, work will continue.
It is good to tend to family relationships; to stay healthy by resting in the midst of work; to set aside time to play and laugh. Tomorrow will come and it will be a new day. Take some time today or this week to rest from your work. Set boundaries for yourself to keep stress and worry away. Enjoy the moment.
God, thank you for the rhythms of life. Help me to be a good steward of the time you have given me. I choose to trust you with each moment of my day. Guard my heart and mind from worry and stress. Thank you for the many blessings you have given me. I ask for your peace. Amen.
But I trust in You, O Lord. I say, "You are my God." My times are in your hands...Psalm 31
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