Monday, August 15, 2011


Don't let the title mislead, we're not finished! But we use that word alot these days...

"All we need to do is put these knobs on and that part will be FINISHED."

"If I would have a week off work, I could FINISH unpacking that pile of boxes."

"I'll be FINISHED painting this room by 7:00."

"Let's FINSH this room before moving on to the next one."

"Before I put these things away, you have to FINISH putting shelves in the closets."

No, we are NOT finished. However, there are a couple areas that are ALMOST finished. It is in these places that I like to be quiet.

Let me show you the first room, a small un-used bedroom in the middle of the second floor, which is basically finished. I think it is one of my favorite spots in the house. It will likely be used for a guest room...

This is what it looked like when we first bought the house.
At one time it served as a kitchen to the apartment located on the second floor.
(the house was broken into 4 apartments in the 40's or 50's)

After demolition, drywall was hung. It added more insulation to the bay window.

Then we tackled the floors. There was a terrible layer of linoleum on the floor. Our floor refinishers uncovered a lovely yellow pine floor.

And now....
Imagine spending time in this finished space.

I've learned more about myself in the last week. I have a desperate need for order and tidiness. And if I am faced with things that are not that, a stamina rises up from within which compels me to put things right, to clean, to organize. Outward orderliness brings me a sense of inner peace. But currently I am being stretched and challenged to make adjustments. While my preference would be to adjust my environment, right now I must adjust my mindset. This is what I've been reflecting about lately.

How do I live? How much do I protect myself from the chaos of life by retreating into my own organized comfortable world? Might God want to teach/train me to exist in a lost chaotic world and yet have an inner peace in spite of what I see on the outside?

My morning walks are no longer in fresh country morning air. The path I walk is not quiet and peaceful. Instead, I walk on uneven sidewalks, dodging people going to the bus-stop, noisy town busses and Do Not Walk street signs. I no longer enjoy the sight of early morning mist floating over the meadows. Instead I see persons sitting alone after what appears like they've spent the night on the street or at the nearby mission.

So with a new house comes a new mission. Currently, I'm trying to figure out what that is. And in the meantime, I'm trying to FINISH...not just the house, but I also want to FINISH well in God's school of life. I want to pay attention to the areas that need adjustment.


  1. This inspired me greatly this morning Brenda!! The beauty of the process of inner peace is that God brings the FINISHING touchs!! What a MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!!

    This room is awesome!! Em & I were encouraged by how what was old has been made into a really sweet NEW!!

  2. Thank you Brenda for these words. They are encouraging to me in the journey I am on as well! Can't wait to see your home in person someday.

  3. I can identify with the need to Finish. It seems I have so many projects going at the same time, that I have this deep need to finish something. While the sense of accomplishment gives me energy to press on to completion of others, I do need to learn a healthy peace of living in the middle. As a cultural American there is this vision for the end goal. A challenge to not forgot the journey and all the benefits.
