Tuesday, September 16, 2014


What do I do when the desire to continue renovating doesn't go away? What do I do with a mind that is continually looking for another old forgotten house that needs to be cared for?

He says I'm a house-stalker. Maybe I am.

When darkness falls, I readily admit it's fun to peek through windows of homes that have their lights on inside. I'm looking at the rooms. What color is it painted? How is the furniture arranged? Is there a fireplace? Does it have interesting architectural features?

It could be called an addiction I suppose. I've felt apologetic and guilty about it at times.

But could this passion have originated in the heart of God? Could it be that what I long to do, what fills me with satisfaction and fulfillment, is actually part of my contribution to the world?

I like this quote by Frederick Beuchner. "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."

This brings gladness to my soul: seeing forgotten broken houses become whole and new again. But there is a deeper and greater purpose in this. After all, it's not so much about the destination; it's about the JOURNEY. It's not so much about a beautiful house in the end. It's about what is learned in the process of making it beautiful.

We all have a hunger for God, whether we are aware of it or not. It is a deep hunger. In what do you find deep gladness?  What are you observing and learning in the process; on the JOURNEY?

...and now I invite you to join me on another JOURNEY. What new lessons will be learned as I begin caring for another house?

There will be more pictures; more "befores" and "afters". But currently we are still on the journey towards occupying this place. In the coming weeks, we are trusting God to work in the situation so that this house can become a place for his peace and power to be ministered into the lives of those who visit. This is our journey. And what a process it is! Our eyes and hearts are wide open.

A bit of history for those of you who are curious: It is likely the worst house in a beautiful neighborhood along a private road. It is a foreclosure. Built in 1972, it is dated with dark paneling. However, vaulted ceilings, an open staircase, stone fireplaces and a daylight basement present some very promising features. I've been waiting for it to be up for sale for about 6 months, tracking it online. With a month's time to clean it up enough for us to move into it, we are definitely on the fast track. Settlement is slated for September 26. Move-in date will be October 25. Stay tuned for details as things unfold...


  1. I am excited about this adventure. Perhaps your quest for restoration and peering into lighted home windows at night is more than a penchant God has planted in your heart? Maybe it is a message to the church, in a much broader sense? Restoration and revival may be spiritually linked in ways we cannot fathom?

    At birth, we already have a "past" with God. Similar to an old house, God knows our beams and the hidden parts of our foundation. He knows because He was there when we were "built" but worldly-squatters have moved into the place God designed, in us, for Himself.

    Restoration must come room by room - individual by individual. Revival is no different. We cannot have corporate revival until I am revived. Is this not the reason Jesus came? To revive us from the dead-end of the world's journey?

  2. Dana, we invite your prayers and counsel on the journey!
