Saturday, March 5, 2011


Yesterday Keith and I took some time out of our schedule to SYNCHRONIZE. We do this every now and then so that life doesn't get away from us. We ordered lunch at our favorite sandwich shop and went over our calendars together. It is a fun way to stay up to date with each others heart, plans and visions for the future. Many times we are able to look back and see how God led us, how He has answered prayers, and envision what He has for us in the future. We know that in order to be effective in life and ministry, we need to be "one".

synchronize (verb): to cause to indicate the same time, as one timepiece with another; to cause to go on, move, operate, work, etc., at the same rate and exactly together.
Considering the dictionary definition above, what a wonderful description of a marriage. I am so thankful for a wonderful supportive husband.  As we face a big renovation project in our future, we are very aware that our communication must be open and current. We chose to block out specific days and evenings to work together on the house. We noted important family events which we will intentionally guard so that we can be present and involved. It is crucial for our health and sanity that we remain unified, keeping a rhythm to our days, weeks and months.
At this time last year we were enjoying a lovely vacation together in St. Lucia. What a wonderful time it was as we relaxed and celebrated 25 years of oneness in marriage. We enjoyed times of reflection and future-planning as we talked and reminisced. 

How important it is to take time apart to synchronize in marriage. It is likely that our unity and oneness will be tested and fleshed out with the house project we are embarking on. We are taking it one step at a time, purposefully setting time aside to synchronize in order that we can move forward and operate at the same rate and exactly together.

I love you, Keith. I'm so glad to be your partner in life.

By the way...during our synchronizing lunch we got a text from our Realtor saying that everything has been approved by the bank. Settlement takes place on March 11. Let the work begin!

"Caring for the house" involves not only caring for yourself, but for your relationships with others. With whom do you need to synchronize? And what does this mean for our relationship with God? How often do I synchronize with Him? 

Father God, cause me to move, operate and work at the same rate and exactly together with You. Amen!

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